
I bet you never knew you had these super- femenine powers1. Don’t Fear Aging

To make it simple, a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, and she’ll turn heads at 21 or 61. The secret? Always wear your inner beauty on the outside, because on the inside, we’re all ageless.

2. Always Keep One Element Of Your Look “Undone.”

For all the work we put into medicure pedicure and perfecting, real beauty is in finding balance. For example, pair an elegant outfit with undone-chic hair; or wear bold red lips with your loose tee and jeans. I bet you dont know how cool that is

3. Don’t seek For Compliments.

Don’t seek approval from others. Instead, work on your confidence. Look for those things you truly love about yourself, and make them your mantra of the week. “I love my pointed nose.

4. Embrace What Is Unique About You.

When you accept the unique qualities of a bold nose or dark brows , they add character and confidence to your look—but when you love them, they become the je ne sais quoi that gives you an aura of irresistible allure.

5. Reveal Your Character Flaws.

Not always in time? Painfully shy? Don’t take.yourself too seriously, and accept these qualities as part of your unique, loveable and ever-evolving appeal.

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